
Senin, 07 Mei 2012


BrandaDestinasiKegiatan GendewaPaket Wisata

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Kelompok Sadar Wisata "GENDEWA"

Logo "GENDEWA" Kelompok Sadar Wisata

Kelompok Gendewa berdiri tanggal 26 November 2010, di rumah Bp Mukardani RT 01 RW 03 Banjarsari Kebondalem Kidul Prambanan Klaten.
Ruang lingkup Gendewa dibidang pariwisata Desa Kebondalem Kidul. Gendewa beranggotakan 11 orang .

Susunan Organisasi Kelompok Sadar Wisata "Gendewa" desa Kebondalem Kidul Prambanan Klaten

    Pelindung Kegiatan :
  • 1. Camat Prambanan : Bambang Sudjarwo, SE. MM.
  • 2. Kepala Desa Kebondalem Kidul : Susilo Utomo, SH
    Penasehat :
  • 1. Prof. Dr. H. Timbul Haryono, MSc.

    Ketua :
  • 1. Mukardani
  • 2. Heri Widjajanto, SE
    Sekretaris :
  • 1. Wawan Bintoro, SH
  • 2. Anna Tri Astuti
    Bendahara :
  • 1. Jaka Santosa Nugraha, ST
  • 2. Kurnia Purwandari, SPd.
    Seksi seksi :
  • Seksi Kesenian : Hendra MH
  • Seksi Obyek : Sutopo
  • Seksi Publikasi dan Dokumentasi : Supriyadi
  • Seksi Humas : M. Joko Murjito, SP
  • Seksi Kegiatan : Warjono

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


BrandaDestinasiKegiatan GendewaPaket Wisata

Jum'at, 04 Mei 2012


Welcome To "Kebondalem Kidul" Village

Just walk to the south east of Prambanan temple find "Kebondalem Kidul" village and Sojiwan temple.

With easy transportasion and strategic location make this place easy to reach. To feel a village atmosphere live together in a house with javanese architecture.

While you can enjoy traditional foods with music or dance of javanese art and culture.

In the day breaks, the creatifity of people actifities is seen here with high art and culture the heritage of old Mataram kings.

Feeling the sensation of getting on an andong or becak while enjoying the rice field atmosphere, visiting Sojiwan temple, joglo ( a traditional javanese house ), panting and handycraft gallery.

Temple Sojiwan



Performing Arts Wayang Kulit